Tag Archives: woman james bond

Daily Discussion with BQB – Should There Be a Female James Bond?

I’d like to start out by being close-minded and say…NO!!!

This happens every once in awhile.  Whenever they are in the market for a new James Bond, every British person who wants the role starts doing interviews to float the idea that they wouldn’t mind being James Bond.

A whole bunch of male Brits have put themselves out there…but Emilia Clarke from Game of Thrones did an interview saying she wouldn’t mind being “Jane Bond.”  Gillian Anderson (Is she even British? I’ll have to look it up) said the same.

Ladies, look.  More power to you but these films are an outlet for me and many dudes to fantasize that a world exists where men are allowed to be men, that in our minds we are James Bond and that we could drive around in fast, expensive cars, live rich, extravagant lifestyles, and be so studly that we seduce women into giving up international secrets.

We know women can seduce men into giving up any info.  There’s no challenge there. That Bond gets all these women to do his bidding is like the ultimate fantasy. Never happens in real life so let us dream.

And besides…Bond’s women have names like “Pussy Galore.” What would Jane Bond’s boyfriend be? “Gotta Bigdonger?”

Women…stop.  Just stop. We have to draw the line somewhere. I forbid this.

What say you 3.5 readers?



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