Monthly Archives: July 2020


Hey 3.5 readers.

My new mini-book, BQB’s Twisted Shorts – When Superheroes Quit, is free until the end of the week

What if a super villain attacked the city and the local spandex wearing caped flyboy decided to stay home? Feeling unloved and unappreciated, the Righteous Champion decided to leave Horrendous City, opting to get out of the superhero game to move to Florida to become a pop star.

Get your copy today. It is FREE and also FREE and did I mention that it is FREE?

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Buy My Twisted Shorts!

Hey 3,5 readers.

I’d like to direct all 7 of your eyes to my latest publication, BQB’s Twisted Shorts – When Superheroes Quit, now available on Amazon.

If you could grab a copy and leave a review, I’d greatly appreciate it.

What happens when a superhero quits? City leaders will have to do their jobs!

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My Book is FREE!

3.5 readers, do you like free books? What’s that? 2.5 of you are distant cousins of John D. Rockefeller and ergo, you prefer to pay for your books?

Fine, but the remaining 1 of you who isn’t related to John D. Rockefeller should go on over to Amazon and get this free book.

Also, there is a shark on the cover.


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BQB’s Twisted Shorts – The One That Got Away – Cover

Hey 3.5 readers.

Have you ever sat around, crying into a frosty brew about the one that got away? If only you had been nicer, kinder, more attentive, more attractive, more successful, more whatever, maybe they would have stayed but now they’re gone and you feel like dirt because you’re sure you’ll never find anyone who compares to the one who flew the coop?

You sound like Evan Brooks. He was once an up and coming lawyer but he blew it all on booze, so depressed was he when his fiance Lisa walked out on him.  He has spent the past 20 years drowning his sorrows at a bar, telling his tale of woe to anyone who will listen…except no one ever wants to listen to such a depressing lush.

One day, a mysterious stranger does listen. Actually, he does more than that. He transports Evan to an alternate reality, one where Lisa stuck with him and….dun dun dun…their son became the next Hitler.

As Evan gets a taste of the life he would have had as the father of a cruel totalitarian dictator, he starts to realize maybe that bar stool wasn’t so bad…and maybe, just maybe, things happen for a reason. Sometimes a personal dream falling apart is the best thing that ever happened to you…and the world.


Here we see the White House which, in the story, becomes “The Eye House” or the home of the dictator, who refers to himself as “The Eye” because he watches everything. America is kept under heavy surveillance in this dystopian nightmare.

Anyway, I haven’t put any of these stories yet but I believe I have found a sustainable approach.  Editors and formatters are worth every penny but they are expensive so I think for now, the short story route is the way to go, as these take less time and less money to format.

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BQB’s Twisted Shorts

Hey, 3.5 readers.

Long time, no see. Are there still 3.5 of you?

So, I’m getting into the short story game.

Why, you didn’t ask?

I’m working on an anthology series. Short stories with twisted endings, like an homage to the Twilight Zone, but with BQB’s sense of humor.

In the first one, a superhero quits. That’s right. One day, he just decides he doesn’t want to save the city anymore. It’s a thankless job and there are more productive things he can be doing, so he decides to move to California to work on becoming a pop star.

Here is the Righteous Champion, singing on his Karaoke Machine in the living room of his condo instead of saving Horrendous City from the Precursor, a vile, alien altered being who has constructed a ray gun that can erase anything.


Once they learn that the city’s savior is flying to greener pastures, Mayor Lazarus Latherton and Police Chief Isaac Hammer are faced with a terrible fate.  They will have to do…their jobs!

Dun dun dun…

Ultimately, I’ve been trying to make a go of self-publishing for awhile now and time, money, etc. are all tough factors.  My thought here is this:

Say you want to get into the lemonade business.

Would you a) make one pitcher of lemonade and start a stand in your yard and if that becomes profitable, you might, say, start a couple more stands, eventually working your way up to starting a lemonade store, followed by a lemonade chain or…

b) Start a lemonade chain first?

I was trying to do b all along and now I’m realizing a will, I think be better.

Honestly, it could be better to just say screw it all and eat cookies and watch TV.

But alas, that old writing bug is still biting me, so let’s see how this goes.

Any thoughts on the cover? Let me know.






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