
Bookshelf Q. Battler tweets more than a blue warbler with Tourette’s Syndrome.

Tweet  @bookshelfbattle with your nerdyness

Tweet @bookshelfbattle with your nerdyness.

If you prefer our noble book nerd’s brain distilled to an essence of 140 characters or less, you can follow him @bookshelfbattle

You’ll get regular tweets of posts with a side of snarky tomfoolery.

Some #hashtags of @bookshelfbattle‘s invention:

#PopCultureMysteries – Put Detective Jake Hatcher on the trail of a mystery surrounding the entertainment industry (Movies, TV, Music, Books, etc.)

#AskTheAlien – Consult with #AlienJones, aka the Esteemed Brainy One aka He of the Amazing Gray Matter and get a plug for your books, blogs and other writing projects.

#TrueNerdHeroes – Is there a nerd who inspires you to achieve true nerd greatness?  Here’s where you can nominate this awe inspiring geek.  (Obviously it should be a person of great accomplishment who wouldn’t mind being referred to as a nerd.)

Last but not least, the Yeti occasionally gets in on the action

#YetiSongs – Change a word in a song title or lyric to “Yeti”

#YetiMovies – Same thing but with movies (title or quote from the movie)

#YetiTV – Same thing but with TV  (title or quote from the show)

#YetiBooks – Same thing but with books (title or quote from the book)

REMEMBER – With all of the above #hashtags, be sure to mention @bookshelfbattle or else he might miss it.

@bookshelfbattle is on a mission to reach 10K followers by the end of the year so any help you 3.5 readers can provide is appreciated.

Bird image courtesy of anarres on

2 thoughts on “Twitter

  1. Have just discovered you via Twitter 🙂

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